
Based at St John’s church in Newbury’s heart, St John’s Pre-School follows the Curiosity Approach philosophy, meaning we surround our children with resources that inspire curiosity, awe and wonder. We are a forward thinking setting with a dedicated, graduate-led team who create beautiful environments for our incredible children. We inspire our children to be inquisitive and curious, creating the “thinkers and doers” of the future.

Children are supported to be ‘school ready’ when they leave, gaining independence, confidence, developing a ‘can do’ attitude and recognising what they are ‘Expert’ at. Children also develop the ability to enjoy their peers’ interests and capabilities.  We are proud to have achieved another ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted in our most recent inspection. 

We provide free (subject to funding criteria) and paid for childcare from 15 -30 hours per week for 2,3,4 and 5 year olds. We operate during school term-time.

We pride ourselves on the wide range of experiences we give children in our care, from weekly yoga sessions, weekly Hartbeeps music, weekly Rugby Tots and much more. 

Our child-led approach and ethos results in children being able to follow their interests and explore the world around them. We set Pre-School up to enable free-flow from our inside space to the dedicated outside space to encourage independence and interaction.

We actively involve parents, carers and grandparents in Pre-School. We hold regular ‘Stay and Play’ sessions to give the opportunity to participate in activities with their children. We utilise the Tapestry online learning journal system to enable families to share in their child’s learning and progress.

We promote healthy eating and provide healthy choices for children at snack time and have a daily fruit café.

We have a few spaces available and are accepting registrations so if you would like to visit or find out more, please contact us on: 07814 155110